Stephan Jost, Director of the Mills College Art Museum, Oakland, CA.,

selected a series of work from First Sight - An Encyclopedia of Childhood

for a show scheduled from December 3, 2002 to December 15, 2002.

On left are Robe, Bib-Overalls, Sailor Suit and Cub Scout Shirt from the Childhood Clothes series, each 40" x 32." Right is Track #2, 40" x 96.”

Jost’s design of the exhibition featured a unique hanging of Track #1 , 40"x 32" surrounded by a circular installation of Childhood Drawings and Toys, 20" x 24" each.

Bingo 40"x 32" from the Games Series is to the center right with Track #3 on the far right wall.

Left is Track #3, 80" x 64." Right are Checkers, Scrabble and Monopoly, each 40" x 32" from the Games series.


First Sight-Brian Gross Fine Art 2002


The Village and His Bedroom